Apple has delayed the release of its new smart home device, the “HomePad” or “Apple Command Center”. According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, the release of this device has been postponed until after spring 2025 due to delays in Apple Intelligence features. So why this decision? What features will the device come with? Details in our news…
Apple’s new smart home device HomePad has been delayed!
Apple HomePad will have a 6-inch square screen, thick bezels, a camera at the top and a built-in rechargeable battery. It will also run on Apple’s proprietary homeOS operating system. It will support FaceTime and other Apple apps, making it easier to control smart home devices. The device will also feature a StandBy-style control panel design.
The Apple Intelligence feature will offer AI-powered technology that is expected to improve the user experience of the device. However, setbacks in the development of these features have delayed the release of the device. HomeOS is reportedly working on a version codenamed “Pebble” that will integrate with App Intents features that will be available in iOS 18.4 and iOS 19.
According to Gurman, Apple will introduce LLM Siri, a chatbot with more powerful speech capabilities, with the iOS 19.4 update that will be released in 2026. Apple is also reportedly developing new smart home accessories, including a Face ID-enabled doorbell and a security camera with more advanced privacy features.
How do you think Apple’s new smart home device will impact the industry? You can share your views with us in the comments section below…
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